2035: Still Climbing Someone Else’s Ladder?

Your Dreams Have an Expiration Date.

They call you successful. You call it survival. I call it surrender.
That pit in your stomach. The Sunday night dread. The quiet voice whispering, Is this all there is?
I know it well.

Hello, I’m Reza. On paper, I had it all—Medical specialist. Professor. Expert. But behind the titles, I was dying of boredom.
So I walked away. No roadmap. No guarantees. Just a refusal to stay stuck.

I took everything I knew—problem-solving, strategy, deep expertise—and rebuilt from scratch.
I studied and worked my way up at Stanford, Google, IBM. I tested, failed, and rebuilt.

Now? As a Chief Innovation Officer, I turn AI and technology into practical solutions that actually matter.
And on the side, I help others stop wasting their expertise on someone else’s dream—by sharing solopreneur strategies and mindset shifts that actually work.

Best part? No more Sunday night dread.

I started this because I couldn’t find the resources I needed.
So I’m building what I wish had existed. 
Because tomorrow isn’t promised. But regret is guaranteed.

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